Teacher’s Registration

Do you find a committed teacher/tutor in yourself? Do you want to establish yourself as a top home tutor in Kolkata? If so, you must join us, and we promise you the most rewarding career in this domain. You will be happy to be a part of the best Teachers Bureau in Kolkata. Feel free to reach us for all your queries and knowledge of the terms you need to agree to!

Interested? Please fill up the form below to get tuition assignments from Trust Educator. We will call you soon. For urgent issues/queries, kindly call us at 9874593539 / 9874593563

Teacher in Kolkata


    Upload in Word, jpg, png, jpeg Format

    (Total File Size Maximum : 1 Mb)

    Address proof (Passport/Aadhar/Voter Id / Others)

    Address proof(Front side)

    Address Proof(Back Side)

    Class X Marksheet

    Class XII Marksheet

    Last Qualification(Not B.Ed)

    Other Documents (Optional)

    Why Join The Trust educator Community?

    Help Students Succeed

    Tutors play a major role in helping the students get better education to succeed in their career.

    Earn Decently

    Earning becomes consistent as a tutor when you join Trust Educator. Your time to earn starts here!

    Freedom To Work

    We offer both online and offline tuition classes. You are free to work as per your preference!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How can I join as a tutor?

    You just need to apply by filling out the form on this page. You must fill up the form with all the necessary information it seeks. You need to ensure that you have the knowledge of the subject and you have a deep willingness and interest to teach the students. We will get back to you once we receive the application.

    Can I get ample tuition engagements?

    Yes! Trust Educator receives a considerable number of calls seeking tuition from everywhere in Kolkata and surrounding areas, including Howrah. If you have the ability and meet the requirements of the client then we can certainly provide you with an ample number of tuition. With us, your income opportunities are completely safe!

    Is teacher's registration free? If not, then what is the registration fee?

    Yes, registration is free with us. You need not pay anything for registering yourself with Trust Educator, the best Teachers Bureau In Kolkata. So, complete the application form and submit it confidently.

    Which locations can I get the tuition?

    Well, Trust Educator will try giving tuitions in your preferred areas.When we will provide/contact you with any assignment/tuition, then you will be free to accept or reject the tuition at the very beginning considering the location.

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