Terms of Use
- By access and use of trusteducator.com (“Website”) or the use of any of the Content or Serviceson Trust Educator (formerly Dishaa Tutor), you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use If you do not agree with these Terms of Use, please do not access and use this Website
- For the purpose of these Terms of Use, “we”, “our” and “us” shall mean Trust Educator (formerly Dishaa Tutor), Trust Educator Educational Consultancy Services and “you” and “your” refers to the user or viewer of our Website. It may be a Tutor and/or Parent (both as defined below), who meets the eligibility criteria set out below.
- After negotiation with the student/parent/guardians, Trust Educator (formerly Dishaa Tutor) shall send an additional set of stipulations regarding fees, number of classes per month etc and the same shall be treated to be in addition to the terms and conditions set out below.
You agree and acknowledge that we are only an aggregator of the Tutors and do not have control in any manner whatsoever over any transaction that is undertaken between a Parent and a Tutor. There are risks, which you assume when dealing with Tutors / Parents as the case may be, and the same shall be borne by you. The Website is a venue only and we may not screen or otherwise control all the listings offered to you
We shall not mediate or attempt to get involved in and resolve any disputes or disagreements between Tutors, Parents and/or Tutors and Parents.
Termination or Suspension
You agree that we may at any time terminate your access to our Website or restrict or suspend your access of the Website at any time, for any or no reason, with or without prior notice, and without liability.
We reserve the right to update or modify these Terms of Use at any time without prior notice. Your access and use of this Website following any such change constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by these Terms of Use as updated or modified.
Terms and Conditions For Student :
- For online class student/guardian/parents must pay monthly fees in advance to Trust Educator for each and every month online to our bank account to continue availing our tuition services for a particular tuition/class.
- We will pay from our end to the teacher and the student need not pay the teacher anything extra.
- For offline mode of tuition, for first two months total monthly fees of each month must be paid to Trust Educator in advance at the beginning of each of the two months for a particular tuition/assignment and we will pay the teacher from our end.
- From third month onwards teacher will collect full monthly fees from student/parent after completing 100% classes.
- If you take/appoint multiple teacher online/offline at anytime, you have to pay separately for each and every tuition.
- On request from student, we may arrange one trial class and if the student is satisfied and continues to take teaching service from Trust Educator, the first trial class will be considered as first class of the monthly class and shall be charged accordingly.
- For the teacher to continue tuition, student/guardian/parents must pay the monthly fees to Trust Educator.
- If the student/guardian/parents does not take any further classes after getting trial class, student/guardian/parents need not pay anything.
- In online mode, monthly fees paid in advance is non-refundable.
- We will replace a particular teacher, if deemed to be necessary and complete the total remaining class of that month.
- In case of offline mode, student/guardian/parents shall pay in advance before the start of the tuition.
- In case, we need to replace the teacher, for the same tuition class student/guardian/parents must pay /incur charges of the existing teacher from the advance, if paid and then the same charge will be adjusted and class student/guardian/parents has to pay again for the first two months and this new appointment will be treated as a new contract.
- In the first month we will take only remaining payment of new finalised amount after deducting the earlier teacher’s due charges as applicable and finalized by Trust Educator unilaterally.Explanation: One month shall mean, the total number of classes to be delivered within a period of 30 days. Exhaustion of the agreed number of classes for the said 30 days prior to the expiry of the said period and commencement of fresh classes beyond the said agreed number of classes shall be deemed to be the commencement of new month for this agreement and shall be separately chargeable.
- Replacement will be only for the same student of same class, subject and same class, same place student/guardian/parents, it will not be transferable.
- In case of replacing the existing teacher, both in online and offline mode, the monthly tuition fees may be increased without any prior notice and student/guardian/parents must comply with that condition.
- Replacement request should be made within 2 days after termination of the existing teacher for the same student of same class, same place student/guardian/parents and same subject.in no way refund will be made.
- Monthly tuition fees is non refundable.
- Trust Educator will not take any responsibility if the student/guardian/parents pay directly to the teacher.
- Mode of classes will be online and/or offline and mode of taking classes by the teacher will be decided by Trust Educator time to time and the same will be communicated to student and teacher and they are bound to adopt the decided mode of teaching.
- Online classes will be conducted through zoom, google meet, google hangover, jio meet or any other prevailing agreeable application.
- Student must share and cooperate in all possible ways for a particular class to take place.
- In case of a scheduled class, if the student fail to attend the class Trust Educator will consider it to be a valid class.
- In case a teacher fails to take a scheduled class, the teacher will rearrange the pending class in consultation with the student and in student’s convenient date and time.
- In case of a cancelled class, Trust Educator will try in every possible manner to rearrange the class, but student/teacher must intimate the same to Trust Educator in advance & give adequate time so that we can help you take the class smoothly.
- If the student changes the place/address teacher will try to go there but teacher is not bound to go to the new place and this must be brought to our notice.
- If the student fails to take any scheduled class, that class will be valid and counted and the teacher may at his/her discretion make up the class.
- If teacher fails to take scheduled class, it is his/her duty to make up the class on a mutually agreeable time and date.
- In offline mode of teaching, student must not pay the teacher for any purposes other than monthly fees as and wherever applicable as per terms and conditions.
- For project work, Trust Educator will take full payment in advance, complete & solved project will be delivered to student either online or offline. Delivering channel will be online or offline and that will be decided by Trust Educator. Trust Educator will reserve the right to decide which mode of channel to be used to submit/deliver the project to student.
- In case of any issue with project student may approach Trust Educator.We will try to give you the best possible complete project.
- For any complaint/feedback or for any purpose,communication must be made only through your registered Phone number/Whatsapp number. Complaint/feedback/any communication should be made only by whatsapp/phone calling/sending SMS from student‘s registered number. Trust Educator is not bound to respond any email communication.
- Trust Educator will communicate with student only through phone call/mobile sms/whatsapp.
- Trust Educator will/may send due payment reminder to students/teacher by phone calls or whatsapp or mobile sms and that must be treated as valid notification and student/teacher must take action.
- Trust Educator can take any legal action if deemed to be necessary to recover our due and all expenses for recovery will be borne by the customer.
- Trust Educator can send collector to student’s place without prior intimation to collect/recover our dues and the teacher and or students must cooperate in all manners for the same.
- When communicating with Trust Educator through phone calls/mobile sms/whatsapp/any online platfrom or channel to avail our services,it will be presumed that student/parent has read and understood our terms and conditions and has agreed and accepted our terms and conditions.
- Even contacting Trust Educator by visiting/ submitting details in trusteducator.com shall mean acceptance of the above said terms and conditions.
- Student must call/whatsapp the teacher when teacher’s details(i.e.,name,contact number and any other details)is shared with student by Trust Educator through sms/whatsapp message or any other communication instrument.
- Student must keep Trust Educator updated about all development in all stages.
- If the teacher increase the number of class for monthly basis,then Trust Educator must be getting the increased monthly rate as and when applicable.
- Student/teacher must inform Trust Educator as & when they finalize each a tuition/assignment and pay Trust Educator as per terms and conditions.
- If a Student/parent cancel a teacher at any point of time, then student/parent must pay Trust Educator’s due.
- In case student has already paid to Trust Educator and then cancel the existing tutor, we will make the pending classes by replacing the existing teacher with a new teacher.
- In special cases,Trust Educator may take one-time non-refundable consultation charge/registration charge from student. In that case student must pay the teacher separately from the very first month.
- For any complaint/grievance,student & parent must infrom Trust Educator only through phone call/whatsapp.
- We strive to address the problem at the earliest and any resolution given by Trust Educator must be considered as final solution to all parties concerned and that cannot be defied/challenged.
- Terms and conditions may be changed time to time without any prior notice to all parties concerned and that latest terms and conditions must be binding to all parties.
- Student/parent must check our terms and conditions time to time to know the latest terms and conditions as uploaded in trusteducator.com
- Student/parent understand,agree,acknowledge that these terms and conditions constitute a legally binding agreement between student/teacher and Trust Educator and that your use of trusteducator.com or communication with Trust Educator through any communication channel(whatsapp/sms/phone call)indicicate your conclusive acceptance of this agreement.
- Trust Educator may at its sole discretion can revise/change the subscription, refund,if any, will be made at the sole discretion of Trust Educator.
- If after appointing a teacher,the monthly fees increases, Trust Educator will collect on the basis of the increased monthly fees.
- Trust Educator at its sole discretion can stop giving service after completing a particular month’s service and not taking money from customer further.
- Student/parent must pay each time they take our services for any new assignment/appointment of a new tutor.
- In case of online/offline mode of teaching Trust Educator will not take any responsibility for any undesirable /untoward incidence.
- Trust Educator’s liability is limited only to get you a teacher and Trust Educator will not guarantee the character of a teacher though Trust Educator tries to send a good teacher.
- If such undesirable incidence occurs, no legal action can be taken against Trust Educator although Trust Educator will try its best to support customer/teacher in such cases.
- Any govt.tax/gst charges will be borne and paid by the customer only.
- We may use the personal information given by student to contact you from time to time to provide you with the service,important information/required payment to be made to Trust Educator / any other notice and making promotion.
- In case of online tuition,after knowing student’s requirement/assignment/tuition details/project, Trust Educator shall intimate you the quotation/amount to be paid. It will be intimated through whatsapp/sms/phone call.
- We may use the personal information given by student to contact you from time to time to provide you with the service,important information/required payment to be made to Trust Educator or any other notice and making promotion.
- Any payment reminder sent from Trust Educator to student through whatsapp/sms/phone call must be treated as notice to pay us immediately and Trust Educator may take any legal action if you fail to do so without giving you any further notice.
- Any portion of the information containing personal data relating to minors provided by you shall be deemed to be given with the consent of the minor’s legal guardian. Such consent is deemed to be provided by you while registering with Trust Educator.
- You acknowledge that your ability to avail our service is dependent upon external factors such as internet service provider,internet network availability and third party application software such as google meet,jio meet,zoom,google hangout,skype and Trust Educator can not guarantee accessibility to the application at all times.
- We shall not be liable to you for your inability to access the service of the application at all time.
- If you behave in a way that gets Trust Educator in legal trouble,we may exercise legal recourse against you.
- You agree to indemnify,defend in case of any untoward incident arising out of your conduct.
- Despite the violation of terms and conditions and cancellation of this agreement, your indemnification obligation will survive.
- No action,regardless of form,arising out of or relating to these terms and conditions /agreement may not be brought by either party after more than 15 days after the cause of action thus accrued.
- We can take action and eventually stop giving service to you without refund.
- We can take legal action if the safety of teacher is at question and expenses must be borne by the customer.
- Any false information from student will be treated according to the law of the land.Jurisdiction:
Any dispute arising out of or touching this agreement shall have to be redressed before The
Learned City Civil Court at Calcutta or the Hon’ble High Court at Calcutta, Original Side and the said Courts shall have the sole jurisdiction to try the said disputes. Before moving court student/parent must inform Trust Educator in writing and by registered courier.
Terms of Use
- By access and use of trusteducator.com(“Website”) or the use of any of the Content or Services on Trust Educator(formerly Dishaa Tutor), you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use If you do not agree with these Terms of Use, please do not access and use this Website
- For the purpose of these Terms of Use, “we”, “our” and “us” shall mean Trust Educator, Trust Educator Educational Consultancy Services and “you” and “your” refers to the user or viewer of our Website. It may be a Tutor and/or Parent (both as defined below), who meets the eligibility criteria set out below
- After negotiation with the student/parent/guardians, Trust Educator shall send an additional set of stipulations regarding fees, number of classes per month etc. and the same shall be treated to be in addition to the terms and conditions set out below
- You agree and acknowledge that we are only an aggregator of the Tutors and do not have control in any manner whatsoever over any transaction that is undertaken between a Parent and a Tutor. There are risks, which you assume when dealing with Tutors / Parents as the case may be, and the same shall be borne by you. The Website is a venue only and we may not screen or otherwise control all the listings offered to you
- We shall not mediate or attempt to get involved in and resolve any disputes or disagreements between Tutors, Parents and/or Tutors and Parents.
Termination or Suspension
You agree that we may at any time terminate your access to our Website or restrict or suspend your access of the Website at any time, for any or no reason, with or without prior notice, and without liability.
We reserve the right to update or modify these Terms of Use at any time without prior notice. Your access and use of this Website following any such change constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by these Terms of Use as updated or modified.
- By submitting your information in our website or communicating or sharing through mobile call/SMS/ Whatsapp, you agree to understand and accept terms and conditions.
- For any existing/new teacher availing our services in any manner(by phone calling/ whatsapp/sms) or taking a lead(i.e,students contact details and any other details), you agree to abide by our terms and conditions.
- For any offline/online tuition for the first 2(two) months,in the event of discontinuation for a particular teacher, either as per student’s will or by Trust Educator’s instruction, you will get part payment,if any, as decided by Trust Educator and that will be final amount, if any and can not be challenged.If the tuition discontinues due to teacher’s failure to satisfy the student teacher will get nothing.
- In case of offline tuition,you will not take any payment from student for the first two months. You will get 50% of monthly fees for the first two months after completion of at least 50% classes directly from Trust Educator.
- If the tuition continues ,from third month onwards, in case of offline tuition,you will get/collect full monthly fees directly from student.
- In case of online tuition , you will get 50% monthly fees for the first two months after completion of at least 50% classes from Trust Educator.From third month onwards ,if the tuition continues, you will get full monthly fees from Trust Educator.
- You must continue for the first 2 months after getting confirmation from Trust Educator that the the student has paid us required fees.Explanation:One month shall mean, the total number of classes to be delivered within a period of 30 days. Exhaustion of the agreed number of classes for the said 30 days prior to the expiry of the said period and commencement of fresh classes beyond the said agreed number of classes shall be deemed to be the commencement of new month for this agreement and shall be separately chargeable.
- In case of registration charge/consultation charge received from student, you shall have no claim on the same.In such case you shall be entitled to take advance payment from student and you shall be bound to pay Trust Educator its dues as mentioned herein above.
- Even after getting advance payment at any point of time, if Trust Educator asks you to discontinue, you must abide by our instruction.
- If the student does not pay in advance and after certain classes discontinues,then Trust Educator will not guarantee your payment.If Trust Educator recovers the payment, the same shall be shared with you after deducting our charges.
- In case, you collect the fees [which ordinarily you are not entitled to under this agreement] from student during tuition [i.e., offline mode of tuition] period for the first two months, then you are bound to pay Trust Educator its due immediately.
- For online/offline tuition,you may be asked to give trial classes and those classes shall not be chargeable.
- For online classes, you shall receive your fees from Trust Educator after deduction of the applicable charges.
- In case of online classes,if you fail to give the classes in scheduled time and the student is dissatisfied and unwilling, you shall not be entitled to any payment.
- When you accept a tuition from Trust Educator, you can not refuse and/or discontinue on the pretext of travel problem or for any other reason.If the student changes his place,you are not bound to go to new place to teach. This clause is applicable subject to further agreements.
- You shall not take any fees/payment other than monthly fees from student.
- You must turn up to the student’s place in scheduled time.If you fail to take the class in scheduled time and owing to that if the student discontinues, Trust Educator shall not take any liability arising therefrom.
- Mode of classes [Online/Offline] to be taken by you will be decided by Trust Educator and that will be final.
- After finalising a tuition, you must make every possible effort so that Trust Educator can collect its dues smoothly.
- In online mode of tuition,teacher will conduct classes through zoom/google meet,google hangout,jio meet and any other prevailing application, teacher must share the required online link or any other prerequisite details with student in advance for a class to take place.
- You must record the video [online classes]for online class so that subsequently, if any dispute arises,this video recording will be produced as a proof.
- In case you fail to take scheduled class, it shall be a compulsory responsibility on your part to make up the class and this class should be arranged at student’s convenient date and time.(applicable for online and offline mode of tuitions)
- For project work, you will be paid after delivering the project to Trust Educator and you are bound to deliver the project in softcopy/hardcopy form as asked and desired by Trust Educator. Trust Educator can reject a project and in that case you shall not be entitled to any payment.
- For any complaint/payment claim or any other communication,teacher has to make phone call/whatsapp/sms.Trust Educator will take final decision and that will be binding to all parties concerned.
- You should be polite and well behaved.Otherwise without any prior notice your relationship with Trust Educator will stand cancelled and no subsequent payment will be made to you.
- Trust Educator/student may take necessary legal action on any complaint related to your ill behavior or for any other reason without any prior notice and all expenses shall be borne by you.
- Trust Educator make every possible effort to send you to a safest place but despite all precautions from Trust Educator’s end, if you see the place/student uncomfortable,then you can bring into our notice.
- You may take legal action against the student but in no way Trust Educator shall be held responsible in any manner whatsoever.
- When Trust Educator is giving any lead to you (i.e.,students’ name,contact number and any other details),through phone calls/sms/whatsapp call/whatsapp message), teacher is bound to accept our terms and conditions & you must communicate with student immediately and update Trust Educator about all development in all stages.
- You must inform Trust Educator as & when you finalize a tuition/assignment/project work following the lead given by Trust Educator, you must inform and pay Trust Educator as per terms and conditions.
- You must cooperate with Trust Educator in collecting our due payment from student or paying directly from teacher’s end(in the event you get the monthly fees/any kind of payment from student)
- If you get /collect any payment directly from student, you must pay our dues as per terms and conditions in 2 days time frame.
- Terms and conditions may change without prior intimation and that will be applied to all parties concerned.
Any dispute arising out of or touching this agreement shall have to be redressed before The Learned City Civil Court at Calcutta or the Hon’ble High Court at Calcutta, Original Side and the said Courts shall have the sole jurisdiction to try the said disputes.
Before moving court student/parent must inform Trust Educator in writing and by registered courier.